探讨高频通气(HFV)治疗重症新生儿急性呼吸窘迫综合征的疗效,对30例ARDS患儿的平均胎龄(38±3)周,出生体重为(3.3±0.7)kg,PBO2/FiO2≤75mmHg,需要机械通气治疗者,其中10例患儿在吸氧浓度FiO2≥0.8,动脉血氧饱和度在4 h内<0.9者改为HFv治疗。结果显示:10例患儿用HFV治疗后2 h内动脉血氧饱和度均≥0.9。动脉肺泡氧分压比(a/A)较用常频通气(CMV)组显著改善,氧合指数(01)较用CMV组明显下降,至8 h后效果更加明显。因此,对重症ARDS用CMV治疗效果差者可尝试改用HFV治疗。
To explore the therapeutic - efffect of high frequency ventilation in the treatment of neonates with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS). Thirty newborns with severe ARDS treated with conventional mechanical ventilation(CMV) . Patients who failed to maintain SaO2 ≥0.90 when FiO2≥0.8 with in 4 hours were changed to HFV. Their gestational age were (38± 3) week, and birth weight was (3.3±0.7) kg. Among them, ten patents were changed to HFV. After two hours HFV, SaO2 of HFV group increased to≥0.9, Arterial to alveoli oxygen ratio (a/A) improved significantly. Oxygenation index (OI) decreased rapidly. FiO2 decreased rapidly, After 8 hours treatment, FiO2 continually decreased to 0.60 ±0.10. The authors concluded that HFV was an effective cure method for neonates with ARDS when CMV failed.
The Journal of Neonatology