本文发现并讨论了喷射器扩压管与喷嘴两个喉径匹配时出现的中间迟钝现象。认为是由流场的变化引起的,主要取决于喷嘴喉径、出入口流体的压力及压差;利用试验数据,通过数值处理的方法,总结了中间迟钝现象出现时机的判据,当扩压管喉径在D扩=1 55d+k×Pcm Pp×(lnΔP-2.3)附近时将出现这一现象。
In this paper has been discovered middle insensitive area of ejector in the matching between throat of the gradually expanding tube and that of nozzle. The middle insensitive area was brought by the various peculiarity of the flow field. The appearance time was decided by the throat of nozzle, the pressure at in and out area,and the difference of the pressure of them;The criterion of the appearance time was brought out through numerical method to dispose experiment data. When the throat of the gradually expanding tube in round D扩=155d+k×Pcm/Pp×(lnΔP-2.3) the middle insensitive area will appear.
Chemical Industry and Engineering