高速公路上行使的重车越来越多 ,轴重越来越重 ,加之渠化交通 ,路面设计、施工的担子也越来越重。怎样才能建设出一条高质量、高服务水平的高速公路 ,需要设计人员周密设计 ,在保证沥青混凝土路面不发生早期破坏的前提下满足其设计使用年限。施工单位应严格按照操作规程施工 ,两环紧扣 。
Moreand Wore heavy lorries are driving on the expreeways,so we need to design the rood and construct the road surfuce more carefully.It is necessary for the designors to design accuratoly the raods,and for builders to construct a high-quality expresswty.Eecrlier breakage of asphalt concrete roads not only occur,but also meet its needs of the usage time limit.Construction units should construct the road strictly according to the operation rules.
Journal of Liaoning Provincial College of Communications