对2002年11月1日起施行的《吉林省人口与计划生育条例》中,关于首次允许“独身女性可依法 人工受孕生育子女”这一规定所引起的社会各界的高度关注以及对该规定实施可能引发的社会 伦理道德和法律等后果的强烈争议,试从法律角度进行多方的理性的思考和探讨,认为独身女性 这一少数群体的生育权应受到人文关怀和法律保护,并提出了一些相应的立法建议和应对措施。
Since Nov. 1,2002, the Requlation of Population and Birth Control of Jilin Province first confirms the single women's right of giving birth by artificial insemination; which arouses great attention of the public and dicussions from the moral and legal aspects, the author analyses this problem from many aspeets in the light of law and concludes that the single women' s right of giving birth should be taken care of and protected by law. The author also puts forward some related legislative suggestions and measures.
Hebei Law Science