对引进的西瓜雄性不育材料 S2 9的植物学特征及其不育性表现进行了比较系统的研究。结果表明 ,西瓜 S2 9雄性不育材料的花蕾及花药在初期的发育与雄花可育的其他材料相比基本一样。继续生长发育 ,雄花不开放 ,不开放的花蕾逐渐萎缩以至干枯 ,个别花朵虽然开放 ,但无有效花粉散出。S2 9雄性不育材料的不育性稳定 ,不受环境、气候等影响 ,自身农艺性状好 ,进一步利用潜力较大。
Botanical characteristics and genetic model of the sterility of the S 29 watermelon male sterile material were studied.The results showed that the labastrums and the anther of staminate flower of the material were no difference comparing with these of other materials in early stage.As developing,staminate flower kept closure and folded and would get wilt gradually.Very few staminate flower may blossom but no effective pollen went out.The sterility of the material was stable in different environments but the inheritance was unstable due to the sterility was caused by the chromosome translocation.The material has a good potentials to utilize because of its good agronomic characteristics.
Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
陕西省自然科学基金项目 (2 0 0 0 SM13 )
863计划子课题项目 (2 0 0 1AA2 41174)