在阐述山区县域农业复合系统特征的基础上 ,通过专家咨询 ,建立了山区县域农业可持续发展评价指标体系。构建了山区县域农业可持续发展协调度函数 ,弥补了目前区域农业可持续发展评价体系在反映可持续发展协调性方面的不足。运用定性和定量综合集成方法确定指标权重及构建综合评价模型 ,并结合五华县对山区县域农业可持续发展现状进行综合评价 ,依据评价结果分析了山区县域农业可持续发展现状下的制约因子 。
On the basis of the features of agricultural combinative system in mountain counties and according to the ideas of sustainable agricultural development and by expert decision system, an evaluation index system of sustainable agricultural development in mountain counties is set up. The index system consists of level evaluation index system and capability evaluation index system, which are selected from ecosystem, economy and society aspects and can represent the features of agricultural combinative system in mountainous county areas. A coordinative evaluation model of sustainable agricultural development in mountain counties is constructed, which makes up for the shortcoming in sustainable agricultural development evaluation. With qualitatively and quantitatively integrated method, a synthetic evaluation model of sustainable agricultural development in mountain counties is constructed. Taking Wuhua for an example, the present condition of the sustainable agricultural development in mountain counties is evaluated. The restrictive factors are: underdevelopment of agriculture facilities, lack of priority in agricultural structure, lack of scientific improvement, sharp contradiction between man and land and low industrialization. In accordance with the limitations and by making good use of the advantages of agricultural development in Wuhua County, strategies and concrete measures are proposed, which includes: (1)to increase the agricultural investment by improving the agricultural investment mechanism; (2)to adjust agricultural structure according to market orientation and the principle of priority;(3)to adopt measures to promote agriculture by applying scientific and technological advances so as to increase the science and technology content of agricultural products; (4)to divert the surplus agricultural labor force so as to ease the contradiction between a big population and the deficient land; (5)to synthesize the regulation and exploitation of mountain, water conservancy, forestry, farmland and roads and pr
Scientia Geographica Sinica
梅州市重点科研项目"面向 2 1世纪山区农业可持续发展研究"的部分成果
mountain counties
sustainable agricultural development
indicator system
synthetic evaluation
Wuhua County