深化和加强社会公德教育 ,是继承中华民族的传统美德 ,树立良好风气 ,建立社会主义人与人之间文明和谐关系的重要途径。结合在市场经济条件下 ,如何进一步深化社会公德教育 ,促进公民道德素质提高这一课题 ,在对当前深化社会公德教育的深远意义和客观要求进行分析、归纳的基础上 ,通过对教育过程中所运用的方式方法的剖析阐述 。
Deepening and strengthening social public morality education is an important way for inheriting traditional virtues of our Chinese nation, setting up a good general mood of society, establishing the civilized and a harmonious inter-personal relations. As for this subject, that is ,under the circumstances of market economy, how we further deepen education of public morality, promote an increase in citizens' moral quality. On the basis of analysis and summary on far-reaching significance of current deepening of public moral education and objective claims, we have formed and raised the aim and direction of deepening public moral education by analyzing and setting forth the measures used in the course of teaching.
Journal of Dalian Education University