随着我国政治体制改革和经济体制改革的不断深入 ,二十一世纪我国高职高专的秘书教育应重点关注企业对秘书人才的需求情况 ,从而为企业培养出大量适用型、技能型、复合型的高素质的综合性人才。据此加大培养力度 ,从宏观上调整教育方式 ,有针对性地加大对秘书人才素质的培养。
In the 21st century,with the further reform of political and economic systems in our country,secretarial education in higher vocational colleges must centered on the enterprises in their demands of secretarial talenr,so sa to cultivate a large number of all-ramd and high gualing personnel of skillul,application-oriented pattems.Therefore,we must make greater efforts to regulate educational mode macroscopically to speed up the cultivation of secretarial talents.
Journal of Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University