为了适应现代社会的快速发展 ,人类改变了将人生划分为学习和工作两个阶段的观念 ,产生了终身教育的思想。终身教育思想又对教育的组成部分———体育产生影响 ,促使了终身体育思想的产生。终身体育思想对体育课程改革起到十分重要的影响作用 ,主要表现在对体育课程目标、体育教学内容、体育教学模式和体育教学评价等方面改革的影响 。
To Fit in with the society's raapid development, people have changed their opinion that life consi sts of two separate stages-study and work, starting a new ideology of permanent education. Correspondi ngly, such an ideology exerts impact on P.E, which is a part of education, promoting the result of an ideolo gy of permanent P.E. The ideology of permanent P.E. is of great significance to the reform of curriculum in P.e, which is mainly embodied by its influence on the reform in various respects such as the goal of cur riculum in P.E, content mode and evaluation of P.E. Through the reforms we can understand that curriculu min P.E is in fact the base of permanent P.E.
Fujian Sports Science and Technology