针对古代汉语文字教学中的疑点 ,该文认为许慎所论“本无其字 ,依声托事”的假借为造字之法而非用字之法。从教学实践出发 ,兼及主要学者学派的观点 ,该文将“假借”概念分为广义假借与狭义假借。词义引申而假借和本有其字的假借应看作广义假借 ;“本无其字 ,依声托事”的造字假借应看作狭义假借。它是古今字产生的基础之一 ,是表意字与形声字之间的桥梁 。
To some arguable points on the study of the characters in ancient Chinese language,the author thinks that by borrowing,Xu Shen really meant the method of making Chinese characters,not the method of making use of some Chinese charaters,when he said, 'there is no ready character,but there are methods of making characters in accordance with what a character is voiced or what really means'.The author,too,distinguishes 'broad borrowing'from 'narrow borrowing'to meet the needs of teaching practice and to stress the ideas of important scholars of main schools.Borrowing by expanding the meaning of ready character should be concluded in 'broad sense',while the borrowing Xu Shen stated belongs to the latter. The latter is the base to make Chinese characters,and the bridges of meaningful Chinese characters and sound Chinese characters,thus it played an important role in the history of Chinese character of meaning development.
Journal of Shihezi University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)