人口稠密形成了交易成本空间均质化倾向 ,发达的区际和国际贸易弱化了距离对企业布点的影响 ,通信技术发展正在进一步创造一个无差别的投资环境。在长江三角洲地区 ,这种投资环境均质化倾向 ,对于区域内的空间结构。
Dense population causes the homogenized trend in the transaction cost space. The trade between developed regions and the international trade weaken the influence of distance on enterprise distribution. The development of telecommunication technology has further created an investment environment without differences. The homogenized trend of investment environment in the Yangtze Delta will exert a significant effect on the space structure, investment pattern and urbanization in the Delta.
Journal of Zhejiang Shuren University