以惯性导航系统显示控制装置为研究对象 ,分析了它的电磁兼容性。归纳出它的主要干扰源、电磁耦合途径、敏感器件 ,结合电磁兼容的基本原理并有针对性的采取了改进措施。测试结果表明电磁干扰有效地被抑制了 ,使显示控制装置通过了国家标准电磁兼容测试中的电源线传导发射和电场辐射发射二项测试 ,所采取的技术措施具有通用性 。
The controlling device of showing in inertial guidance system have been taken for example and its EMC(Electromagnetic Compatibility) has been discussed in this paper. The major electromagnetic disturbance source, coupling path and sensitive unit have been concluded . Furthermore , some appropriate measures have been taken according to the principle of EMC. The result of testing indicates after adopting these reforming measures of EMC the electromagnetic disturbance has been refrained and the controlling device of showing passed two tests in nation criterion: the conducted emission of power lines and radiated emission. Meanwhile, these measures also apply to EMC design of other parts in inertial guidance system.
Computer Measurement &Control