滨海城市在我国海水养殖业方面一直扮演着举足轻重的角色。就青岛市而言 ,在生态城市建设中 ,海水养殖业的发展必须依靠全市和驻青涉海科研院所的科技实力 ,大力发展良种培育及种苗产业化 ,实施海水养殖业的清洁生产 ,建立新的生产体系 ,实现滩涂、浅海的生态养殖和陆地工程化养殖 ,突出观光渔业 ,在保持海水养殖业持续、健康发展的同时 。
Seaside city, e.g., Qingdao, is playing an important role in the mariculture development in China, not only in mariculture theories, but also in farming techniques. The mariculture development must depend on the capability of science and technology conceiving by academic and educational institutions of all levels located at Qingdao. To be specific, it is imperative to develop stock breeding of commercially important species and industrialization of seed production, conduct mariculture cleaner production, establish novel production system, in order to realize ecological culture in tidal flat and shallow sea and super-intensive culture in land facilities. Furthermore, we should put priority on tourism fishery. We believe that sustainable development of mariculture would make contribution to the ecological city constructing of Qingdao.
World Sci-Tech R&D