钱穆先生是当代著名的国学大师 ,学识渊博 ,贯通古今 ,被誉为通儒之学。在治学中以弘扬中华传统文化为己任 ,毕生探寻国家和民族文化永久演进的生命力 ,是一位真诚的爱国者。在学术研究领域 ,亦多有创见 ,为中国史学的发展作出了重要贡献。
Mr.Qianmu is a prestigious modern master of Chinese l earning.He is versatile and is known as a great Chinese scholar,who took spreading traditional Chinese learning as his own obligation.In his whole life,Mr.Qianmu was persistently exploring the life impetus of evolution about the Chinese nation.Mr.Qianmu is a genuine patriot who sponsored many original thoughts in the academic field,and contributed much to the development to modern Chinese history study.
Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)