目的 :建立黄芪质量评价方法。方法 :黄芪药材经甲醇回流提取后 ,以甲苯—乙酸乙酯—甲酸—环己烷 (5 :4:1:3 ,v/v/v/v)为展开剂 ,在硅胶G薄层板上展开 ,在薄层扫描仪上 ,于λs=3 70nm ,λR=60 0nm ,反射锯齿扫描 ,记录色谱图 ,对18个产地黄芪药材进行了分析 ,测定毛蕊异黄酮与黄芪甲苷的含量并对不同产地的黄芪进行系统聚类分析。结果 :将不同产地黄芪分为三类 :优等、一般和较差。结论 :为黄芪的真伪鉴别及优劣评价建立了新方法。
Objective:To develop a quality assessment of Radix Astragali .Method:The medicinal material was extracted by methanol,and developed on Silica gel thin-layer chromatoplate.The developing solvent was methylbenzene-acetidin-formic acid-cyclohexane(5∶4∶1∶3,v/v/v/v).The detection wavelength was set at 370 nm,the reference wavelength was set at 600 nm by the means of reflection sawtooth scanning on TLC scanner.Then the Chromatograms were recorded,and the content of Calycosin and Astragaloside Ⅳ of Astragalus samples from 18 different habitats were determined.At last Astragalus samples from different habitats were divided into three grades by Hierarchical Clustering analysis.Result:Astragalus samples from different habitats were divided into three grades-the superior,the ordinary and the inferior.Conclusion:A new method was developed to assess the quality of Radix Astragali
Acta Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology
黑龙江省自然科学基金资助项目 (B980 3)