A 25-hour survey of tidal hydrology and suspension discharge was carried out for multi-sections, and tidal mud flat was surveyed three times during 1988. Based on the investigations and 210-Pb dating method, the paper tries to make clear the characteristics of tidal current and the distribution and variation of suspended sediment in the tidal mud flat and shallow marine area of the northern Liaodong Bay. The results indicate that suspended matter moves in longitudidal direction. Water and silt from the Shuangtaizi River and from the area west of the river are the main factors for the shoal development in the eastern part of this area. During spring tide, suspended matter of rivers and marine source can remain in river mouths and around shallow waters. Main dispersion directions of sediment are southeastwards in the western and central areas and northeastwards in the eastern part during flood tide. During neap tide, however, sediment from rivers and resuspended sediment from the estuary migrate in the same directions, and flow more than 30km away from the coast. It has been found that the tidal mud flat sees an accumulation and the accumulation is larger in the west than in the east.
The content of the suspended sediment is high within 25-30km from the coastline, which is coincident with salinity gradient limit. The concentration of suspended matter (30km away from coastline) decreases abruptly and the colour varies from yellow to darker.
Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology
northern Liaodong Bay suspension transportation accumulation of tidal mud flat