择校的本意是让大部分学生能够选择自己理想的学校 ,从而受到适合于自己个性发展的教育。但各国的实践表明 ,实施择校政策的结果实际上有利于社会地位和经济收入高的社会群体 ,这就导致了教育机会的不均等。本文将通过中国与欧美国家的比较 。
The purpose of school choosing is to enable the majority of students to select their ideal schools and receive good education fit for their individuality. But many country's experience indicates that this practice is advantageous to the people with high social status and economic income, therefore creating inequality concerning the opportunity to receive education. My article tries to demonstrate the effects of 'school choosing' policy on the equality of educational opportunity through the comparison between China and Western countries.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)