在中国社会由封建向民主转型的过渡时期 ,袁世凯推行兼有现代与复古双重特点的教育理念及政策。一方面 ,重视现代教育 ,以适应现代竞争的需要 ;另一方面 ,实行复古尊孔以整合失范的意识形态 ;契合了民初中国民智未开、实业落后、价值失范严重的现实国情 ,具有一定的合理性和进步性 。
In the transition period from feudalism to democracy in China, Yuan Shi-kai advocated the education thoughts and policy with modern and outdated characteristic. On the one hand, he attached importance to the modern education in order to conform to the need of competition .On the other hand, he launched the movement of renaissance and respect of Confucianism so as to unite out-of-norm ideology. This corresponded to the situation of Chinese people being unenlightened, backward industry and serious out-of-norm value at that time. Meantime ,the movement of renaissance and respect of Confucianism had the aim of monarchy restoring.
Journal of Suihua Teachers College