2 0世纪初叶 ,随着五四新文化运动的兴起 ,沉闷了几千年的中国女性喊出了石破天惊的解放之音 ,但这声音很快就消失在启蒙与救亡的革命洪流中 ;2 0世纪中叶 ,妇女形式上获得了与男子同等的政治、经济权益和地位 ,却以女性性特征的消弭为代价 ;新时期以来 ,活跃在女性作家笔下的是反叛男性神话、颠覆已有意识形态大厦的女性形象 ;2 0世纪的最后十年 ,女性写作转向“躯体叙事” 。
At the beginning of the 20th century,the slient Chinese women blew the ho rn of liberation,but the sound soon disappeared in the revolutionary trend of re naissance and salvation.In the middle of the 20th century women obtained the equ al rights and positions in politics and economics just as a form ,but they were deprived of female characteristics.In the new era ,the active female images in the works of Wang An-yi and Tie Ning ruined the male images.In the last ten yea rs of the 20th century ,the women literature turned to the “boby narration”.
Journal of Binzhou Teachers College