《骆驼祥子》有类似康拉德《黑暗的心》走向人类内心探险的旅程的结构。祥子从中国的农村出来 ,带着朴实勤劳的精神 ,为的是追求买一部可以致富的洋车。洋车就象征意义来说 ,就像《黑暗的心》的白人所追求的象牙。康拉德的克如智和老舍的祥子一样 ,想要摆脱落后与贫穷 ,最后都被落后与贫穷毁灭了。
Rickshaw Lo-t'o Hsiang Tzu and Heart of Darkness have in common the structure of an inner journey. An honest and hardworking countryman eager to make his fortune, Hsiang Tzu comes to the city dreaming of a rickshaw, which, symbolically, is comparable with the ivory pursued by whites in Heart of Darkness . Both Conrad's Kurtz and Laoshe's Hsiang Tzu are eventually ruined by the backwardness and poverty they have tried to get rid of.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)