“长吉体”诗歌形象 ,一定程度上表现出与中国古典诗歌整体风格上的差异。诗人选择了根据自己的情感体验来重组世界的方式 ,通过非“物态化”的审美追求 ,汹涌澎湃的浪漫激情 ,含蓄鲜明的诗歌意象 ,使其作品具有了现代派诗歌的某些特色。
'Changji-style' poetry images, to some extent, demonstrate the difference from that of the whole style in Chinese classical poetry. The poet imbued his words with some features of modern poetry through reforming the world according to his own emotional experience, with 'nonmaterialized ' aesthetic pursuit, tempestuous mixed with romantic enthusiasm and implicit but distinctive poetry images.
Journal of Leshan Normal University