目的 :探讨CT扫描在髋部创伤的诊断价值。方法 :共收集25例髋部创伤病例的X线和CT资料 ,并对25例髋部创伤的CT结果进行分析。结果 :25例病人中 ,右侧创伤12例 ,左侧创伤10例 ,双侧创伤3例。CT扫描发现髋臼骨折15例 ,其中后壁骨折4例 ;前壁骨折3例 ;后支骨折5例 ;前支骨折2例 ;横行骨折1例。X线平片显示髋臼骨折9例 ,检出率为60 % ,而CT检出率为100 %。结论 :CT能直观再现髋臼的解剖全貌 ,能提供较平片更多的、有价值的信息 。
Objective:To evaluate the diagnostic value of CT scan for acetabular trauˉma.Methods:25patients with acetabular trauma,who underwent both plain film and CT exˉamination,were included in our study.Results:Among25patients12were right acetabular trauma,10were left acetabular trauma,3were bilateral acetabular trauma.There were15patients with acetabular fracture:4patients with fracture of posterior wall of acetabulum,3patients with anterior wall fracture,5patients with posterior column fracture,2patients with anterior column fracture,1patient with transverse fracture.9patients with acetabular fracture had positive sign on plain film.The detective rate was60%for plain film and100%for CT scan.Conclusion:CT can show the overall anatomic character of acetabulum directly and can offer more useful information than plain film.CT was a helpful imaging modality for estimating the stability of fracture and selecting rational therapy.
Journal of Tianjin Medical University