为解决北京到沈阳客货运输紧张状况,1999年8月开始动工修建秦沈客运专线,设计时速为160km·h-1以上,2002年12月,全线竣工。该线为中国第一条客运专线,也是迄今为止我国运行速度最高的新建铁路。为保证开通时按设计速度运营的列车的安全性、平稳性和旅客舒适性,秦沈客运专线采用了新的设计标准:线路平面允许欠超高值为一般60mm,困难80mm;缓和曲线的超高时变率推荐为25mm·s-1,一般为31mm·s-1;路基要求工后沉降一般不大于15cm,桥台过渡段不应大于8cm,沉降速率小于4cm·年-1;正线轨道按一次铺设跨区间无缝线路设计;对桥梁的竖横向刚度以及纵向刚度、墩台基础的沉降量、桥上轨面的变位量(折角和错角)等设计参数提出了较高标准。新的设计标准促进了新技术、新结构的大量使用。如采用了级配碎石基床表层、路桥过渡段、单枕连续法铺设跨区间无缝线路、38号大号码道岔、预应力混凝土双线箱梁、300km·h-1级接触网、无线列调数话同传、列控连锁一体化等新技术,从而保证了客运专线的工程质量。先后进行的包括工务工程、环保、机车车辆、牵引供电、通信信号等各个专业的三次综合试验,创造了210 7km·h-1,292km·h-1和305 9km·h-1,321 5km·h-1的中国铁路速度记录。秦沈客运专线的成功建设。
To meet the increasing passenger and fright transportation demands between Beijing to Shenyang, the QinhuangdaoShenyang dedicated passenger line with a design speed of 160 km·h-1, commenced construction in August 1999 and was open to traffic in December 2002. The first dedicated passenger line in China has the highest operation speed. To ensure the train safety, stability and passenger comfort in tune with the design speed once open to traffic, the QinhuangdaoShenyang dedicated passenger line has applied new design standards: the deficient superelevation allowable for the track is 60 mm in general and 80 mm for difficult conditions; the proposed superelevation ratio of transition curve is 25 mm·s-1 and the general one is 31 mm·s-1; roadbed requirement for the settlement after construction shall be no more than 15 cm, the abutment transition section no more than 8 cm and the settlement ratio less then 4 cm·year-1; the track of the main line is designed to use c. w. r. rails; higher standards are also set for the following design parameters: the vertical and lateral rigidity and longitudinal rigidity of bridge, settlement of pier foundation and deflection (break angle and alternate angle) of rail top on bridge. New design standards have given rise to wide application of new technologies and new structures. The project quality is guaranteed by applying the following technologies: graded ballast for subgrade, transition section of line and bridge, and the technique of laying c.w.r. extra long rail on sleepers that are put one by one in position on the formation in the first place, No.38 turnout, doubletrack prestressed concrete box beam, 300 km·h-1 pantograph, digital/voice simultaneous transmission of wireless train control, and train control interlocking system. Three comprehensive tests on such fields as track maintenance, environmental protection, rolling stock, traction power supply and communication and signaling were carried out consecutively, creating
China Railway Science
Qinhuangdao-Shenyang dedicated passenger line
Design standard
Construction techniques
Comprehensive test