Photonic crystal is a new field which combines optics and condensed matter physics. It is also a great important research field of applied physics i n recent years.This is an artificial multidimension periodic structure i n the two background media which possess different dielectric constants. It is so cal led beca use its structure and characteristics resemble that of solid crystal. Photonic b and gap (PBG) struc ture is a periodic modulation of dielectric and it can exhibit 'forbidden' fre qu ency regions where electromagnetic waves can not propagate along any directions in the crystal. This may bring about some peculiar physical phenomena, as well a s wide applications in several scientific and technical areas. Some great a chievements made in this paper are listed as follows.(1) PBG structures with absolute band gaps are designed via the calculation of photonic band structures by planewave expansion method. A twodimensional ph otonic crystal is periodic along two of its axes and homogeneous along the third . A typical specimen, consisting of a square lattice of dielectric columns is sh own in Fig1. For certain values of the column, spacing this crystal can have a photonic band gap in the x1-x2 plane.The rods forming photonic crystal are characterized by a dielectric constant εa =17,they are embedded in a background medium whose dielectric constant is ε b=1 .The rods are of circular crosssection with radius r and the lattice c onstant of the square lattice is a with a>2r.The main idea is to lift the band degeneracy at high symmetry points in the Bril louin zone of crystals by lowering the structure symmetry of crystal.(2) It also gives a complete deduction for the electromagnetic wave theory of p hotonic crystal of two dimensions and Bloch wave solution in stratified periodic dielectric, offers the academic foundation of the existence of stop band, and for an example of two dimensional photonic crystal o
Chinese Journal of Luminescence