中、远程精确打击是潜艇使用鱼雷武器攻击航母编队、大型水面舰艇编队的主要作战模式。本文以远程反舰重型鱼雷武器为背景对鱼雷武器导引模式和技术的框架思路、关键技术、数据融合方法和环境进行了初步探索。利用鱼雷导引数据综合处理装置 ,建立立足于鱼雷武器的鱼雷导引数据处理体制 ,强化与舰船作战指控装置间的目标信息沟通、充分利用作战体系、潜艇平台、鱼雷的探测数据进行目标运动分析 ,从而提高鱼雷武器对目标远程感知和跟踪能力 。
The Medium-long range accurate attack is a major operation pattern of submarine to attack carrier task group by torpedo weapon. In this paper, preliminary study guidance pattern and technique framework, key techniques, information fusion and environmental effects of long-range anti-ship torpedo weapon are presented. Firstly, a guidance data processing framework based on torpedo itself should be developed. And then, information exchange between the torpedo and the weapon command and control system of the combat platform should be strengthened to make full use of the available information. As a result of the combination of the above two aspects, it is possible to greatly improve the long-range target sensing and tracing ability, enhance the integrated combat performance as well as the coordination ability of the torpedo weapon system. This concept can be implemented through the development of a central guidance information device inside the torpedo guidance system.
Ship Science and Technology