我国“入世” ,经济运行环境和行政管理模式将发生变化。关税减让、政务公开 ,减少了职务犯罪的机会 ;贸易自由、审批权集中 ,增大了职务犯罪的可能性。减少由“入世”给防治职务犯罪带来的消极影响 ,其根本措施仍是继续坚持“教育是基础 ,法制是保障 ,监督是关键”的方针 ,打防结合 。
China's accession to WTO will make economic operating environment and administrative mode change Tariff concessions and open government affairs will reduce criminal chances by taking advantage of duty; at the same time, free trade and centralized examining and approving authority will increase criminal possibilities by taking advantages of duty. To reducing negative influence by accession to WTO , We should stick to the principle that 'education is foundation, legality is guarantee, supervision is key', and integrate attacking and controlling, so that we can eliminate crime basically.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University