对于我国商业银行来说 ,大力拓展中间业务 ,不仅是金融体制改革与创新的需要 ,更重要的是适应加入世界贸易组织后的统一规则 ,拓宽服务领域 ,提高经济利益 ,寻求新的效益增长点的迫切需要。大力发展中间业务 ,是国有商业银行的现实选择。本文通过对我国商业银行拓展中间业务的分析 ,论述了国有商业银行发展中间业务的策略。
Entering WTO makes it necessary for our commercial banks to reform and create financial system and be fit for the united standard of WTO. Besides, it is practical choice of them to broaden the middle business and improve economic profit. This article states the methods of broadening the middle business of stated-owned commercial banks by analyzing the middle business and existed problems of them.
Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College