IM结构域蛋白KyoT可与转录因子RBP J相互作用而修饰Notch信号途径 .以往发现KyoT在成年小鼠肺脏、肾脏和睾丸中有特异性表达 ,为进一步明确KyoT在小鼠胚胎阶段的表达 ,故分析了KyoT在小鼠不同胚胎阶段的表达水平变化和胚胎 17天时各组织的表达分布 .采用RNA印迹发现KyoT在小鼠胚胎的各阶段均表达 ,而且胚胎 17天时表达水平最高 .进一步RNA印迹和免疫组织化学检测发现 ,KyoTmRNA和蛋白质在胚胎17天小鼠的肺、肾以及肌肉中均有高水平的表达 .上述结果提示 ,KyoT在小鼠胚胎发育过程中有特异性表达 ,且在胚胎 17天时KyoT表达器官分布与成年小鼠相似 ,特异性定位于肺、肾和肌肉等脏器 .
LIM domain protein KyoT interacts with transcription factor RBP-J and modulates Notch signaling pathway. It was previously found that KyoT was specifically expressed in lung, kidney and testis of mice. To investigate the level of the expression of KyoT in mice embryogenesis and the distribution of the expression the 17 dpc (days of gestation), Northern blot and immunohistochemical SABC methods were used in the experiments. Northern blot showed that KyoT was expressed in almost all stages of embryos of mice and the level was highest in the 17 dpc. Moreover, Northern blot and immunohistochemical SABC showed that the mRNA and protein of KyoT were expressed at the high level in lung, kidney and muscle of 17 dpc mice. These results suggest that KyoT was expressed in mice embryogenesis and the distribution of the expression of KyoT in 17 dpc. was similar to that in adult mice and located in lung, kidney and muscle etc.
Progress In Biochemistry and Biophysics