本文介绍了开放式微机保护试验平台的方案及构成。该平台系统包括基于数据库的电力系统图形界面管理 ,短路电流计算和保护定值计算 ,上位机与保护单元的通讯及整定值修改 ,EMTP暂态仿真 ,以及 D/A转换等模块。该系统综合展示了电力系统继电保护的工作原理及过程 :包括系统网图 ,故障点位置设定 ,短路电流计算 ,保护的整定值的设定和修改 ,保护的动作情况。本试验平台实现了对实际电力系统中微机保护的整个过程的演示 。
This paper described the scheme and constitutes of an open test platfor m for microcomputer-based protection. This platform system consists of power sys tem's graphical interfaces management based on database, short current calculati ons and protection's setting calculations, communications of monitor pc and RTU device, setting value's modification, EMTP transient calculation module and modu le of D/A. It thoroughly shows the whole principle and process of power system r elay protection,including system netting graphics, orientation of fault point, calculation of short current, setting and modification of relay's value, and the relay's action condition. This platform entirely realizes the demonstration and simulation of microcomputer-based protection in power system.
Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA