以硫铁矿矿渣为原料 ,按反浮选和选择性浸出原理除去杂质 ,在 1 0 0°C用硫酸浸得硫酸铁和硫酸亚铁混合液 ,并测定了 Fe2 + 和 Fe3 + 含量。同时对废铁屑经硫酸洗涤和纯碱洗涤后 ,把过量的废铁屑加入该混合液中 ,使整个溶液还原成硫酸亚铁溶液。采用氯酸钠氧化法 ,在 65°C经氧化、水解、聚合得聚合硫酸铁溶液 ,讨论了影响聚合反应的主要因素。对炼油厂废水进行处理 。
A solution of ferric and ferrous sulphate was obtained from sulfurous iron cinder by backfloatation selective leaching to remove pernicious impurities and adding H 2SO 4 in 100 °C . The concentration of Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ was determined. Then, Fe 3+ in solution was reducted to Fe 2+ by adding excessive scrap iron which was cleaned with H 2SO 4 and Na 2CO 3. A solution of polymeric ferric sulphate was obtained by oxidation, hydrolysis and polymerization in 65 °C using NaClO 3 as oxidant. The effect of various factors on the oxidation reaction was discussed. The product is more effective than commercial AlCl 3 on wastewater disposal of refinery.
Chemical World