大井眼长封固段复杂条件下的固井存在气体易窜、因漏引喷、水泥浆返到设计位置难、不易实施有效的紊流顶替等难题。介绍了青海油田开特米里克构造开 2井高压盐水层、高低压共存的复杂条件下高密度水泥浆性能的室内试验情况 ,通过现场固井施工及相关配套技术的应用 ,取得了大井眼。
Cementing in the long isolation section of large borehole in complex conditions can cause many problems, e.g., gas channelling, lost circulation and blowout, difficulty of cement slurry returning to the designed depth and ineffective turbulent displacement, etc. A laboratory test on the performances of high density cement slurry was conducted, and this test was used to simulate the complex conditions of high pressured salt bed and the coexistence of high pressured and low pressured formations in Well Kai 2 in Katemeric Structure of Qinghai Oilfield. The high density cement was used for cementing this well, and some associate technologies were also applied. The results were satisfactory, and some successful practices on cementing the long isolation section of large borehole in complex conditions, and gas channelling remedy work around the annular were applied.
Oil Drilling & Production Technology