从原理上对基于相关分析的新型电流差动保护进行了进一步的分析。针对原有的相关差动判据可能存在的一些问题 ,提出了更加实用化的新判据 ,并建立了各种运行工况下的ATP仿真模型 ,对改进后的判据进行了详细的仿真分析。通过仿真可以发现 ,新判据在保留了原有判据简单、快速的优点的基础上 ,增加了灵敏性和动作的可靠性和易于整定等新优点 ,可以作为超高压长输电线路的主保护。
In this paper, the principle of the current correlation differential protection based on the correlation integration is analyzed firstly. The advantages of the correlation differential criterion are proved and the disadvantages are also pointed out. Aiming to the disadvantages of the correlation criterion, an improved scheme was proposed in the paper. The power system models of different structures using ATP program are built to simulate these criterion completely. Simulation studies show that the improved scheme not only preserves the advantages of correlation criterion, but also increases many new virtues such as better sensitivity and reliability, simple to understand, easy to give out setting values. Studies also show that the improved scheme is more reliable and very suitable for the protection of EHV/UHV transmission lines.