莱芜铁矿业庄矿区为一大水矿床 ,曾采用预留护顶矿层隔水进路采矿法开采 ,- 2 5m中段以上矿体已呈蜂窝状。为回收该部份残矿体 ,针对该矿体的具体特征 ,采用有限元法模拟采矿开挖步骤 ,并对采场结构参数进行优化 ;改进凿岩爆破工艺 ,改善了爆破效果 ,达到了安全、经济回采的目的。
The depositin Yezhuang mining area of Laiwu Iron Mineis of high water type and was on cemined by the method of mining with ceilingore layer and water resistin gentrance ,resulting in abeehive shapeore body above Level - 2 5m .Inaccor dance with the proper tiesof the deposit ,fini teelementme thodwasuse dinthere search tosimulatethe mining proce duressoas tooptimize the struc ture parame ters of the stopeand the drilling blasting technology was rectified toimprove the blasting effect,achieving the goal of safe and economi calex traction .The technical measures and experi ences described heremay beusedasr eferenceto the mining of similar mines.
Metal Mine