Fe2 + 的氧化在细菌浸矿过程中具有重要作用 ,细菌浸铜过程中 ,Cu2 + 的存在对T .f菌的生长代谢和其氧化Fe2 + 的能力有一定影响。制备了T .f菌修饰碳粉粉末微电极 ,研究了Cu2 + 存在下Fe2 + 在T .f菌修饰粉末微电极上氧化的电化学反应机理 ,并测定了相应的电极过程动力学参数。循环伏安研究表明 ,Cu2 + 的存在不影响Fe2 + 在T .f菌修饰粉末微电极上的氧化反应的可逆性。对电极稳态及暂态过程研究表明 ,当Cu2 + 浓度在 12mmol/L以下时 ,Cu2 + 的存在不会抑制Fe2 + 在T .f菌修饰粉末微电极上的氧化 ,适量Cu2 + 加强T .f菌氧化Fe2
The oxidation of Fe 2+ plays a v er y important role in bio-leaching, the exist of Cu 2+ has a un-excluded in fluence on the oxidation of Fe 2+ and the growth of thiobacillus ferrooxidans. Using the thiobacillus ferroxidans modified carbon powder microelectrode, the electrochemical mechanism of the i nfluence of Cu 2+ on the oxidation of Fe 2+ was studied. The Cyclic vo ltammetry study shows that the presence of Cu 2+ can not change the reversi bility of Fe 2+ oxidation reaction. Steady potentiodynamic and transient st air-step measurement demonstrate that the presence of Cu 2+ can not suppre ss the oxidation of Fe 2+ on the thiobacillus ferroxidans modified powder microelectrode. However when the concentration of Cu 2+ is under 15 mmol/L , it can enhance the mass transfer coefficient and accele rate the charge transfer rate of oxidation reaction
The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 0 2 0 40 0 1)