以十二硫醇 -己烷溶液为研究体系 ,评选出以金属盐溶液改性和研制得到的对硫化物有良好吸附性能的 930A系 93GH系特殊吸附剂 ;用静态法和微分床法研究这两种系列的吸附剂吸附硫化物的相平衡关系 ,吸附热效应及吸附动力学过程 ;用这两种系列的吸附剂对实际轻质石油品进行脱硫精制 .研究结果表明 :评选和研制的这两种系列的吸附剂脱硫效果均较为良好 .
By hexane-dodecanethiol solution system,this paper ha s selected special adsorption 930A series and 93GH series, which is modified by metallic salt solution, the adsorbents have great adsorption to sulphide; and ha s researched these adsorbent's isotherm relationship, adsorption heat and adsorp tion dynamics process by static adsorption and differential bed way; refine actu al light petroleum product by 930A and 93GH series adsorbents. The results state : selected and researched adsorbents have great adsorbability to sulphide.
Journal of East China Jiaotong University