定都天京后 ,洪秀全等首义诸王在频繁选美的同时 ,却又借助于严刑峻法 ,继续推行隔绝男女、拆散家庭的政策 ,规定即使夫妻同居也是死罪 ,使得两性关系成为太平军中最大的禁忌 ,动辄得咎 ,导致广大军民的不满和抵触情绪日益滋蔓。弛禁后 ,太平天国推行严判上下尊卑的婚姻政策 ,同时仍然强调严男女之大防 ,严禁异性在婚姻之外稍有混杂 ,但总的来说局面已日趋失控。围绕婚姻等问题所引发的事态和变化是太平军军纪演变过程的一个缩影 ,对其战斗力的消长和军 (官 )民关系均产生了不可忽视的影响。同时 ,它又从一个侧面证明 ,在太平天国时代 ,洪秀全等人根本不可能萌发近代意义上的妇女解放或男女平等意识。
After establishing the Heavenly Capital at Nanjing, the Taiping employed stern laws and severe punishments to continue its policy of breaking up families and keeping men and women separate, even while Hong Xiuquan and other leaders repeatedly selected beauties from the population as concubines. According to the policy, even cohabitation by a married couple was punishable by death. Therefore, sexual relations became the strictest taboo in the Taiping Army, and soldiers were punished for the slightest infractions. This caused resentment and increasing resistance among soldiers and civilians. After the bans were lifted, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom pursued a marriage policy which strictly demarcated social rank. At the same time, it still emphasized taking strict precautions against illicit sexual relations. However, by this point, the overall situation was already spinning more and more out of control. The circumstances and changes brought about by the problems surrounding marriage-related issues epitomize the evolution of military discipline in the Taiping Army, and significantly affected the army’s fighting capacity and relations between the army (and officials) and civilians. At the same time, these problems provide additional proof that during the period of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Hong Xiuquan and his colleagues were fundamentally incapable of concepts such as women’s liberation and equality between the sexes in the modern sense.
Modern Chinese History Studies