目的 为手指离断同时伴有血管及皮肤缺损的断指再植提供一种有效的治疗方法。 方法 从腕前区切取适宜大小的、带有皮下静脉的游离皮瓣植于手指组织缺损处 (掌侧部位皮瓣倒置 ,背侧则同方向放置 ) ,皮瓣静脉血管的两断端分别与指体断裂处的动脉或静脉端吻接 ,皮瓣覆盖皮肤缺损处。 结果 临床应用 7指 ,其中伴掌侧皮肤缺损 5指 ,背侧皮肤缺损 2指 ,术后手指成活良好 ,外观及功能良好。 结论 应用腕前区游离小静脉微型皮瓣修复断指血管与皮肤缺损 ,方法简便 ,疗效好 ,为解决伴有血管及皮肤缺损的断指再植提供一种可供选择的方法。
Objective To introduce an effective reconstruction method for the finger injuried with vessel and skin defect. Methods Free skin flap with skin vein was transplanted on the site of tissue defect,connecting by anastomosis the vein with artery or vein of the finger. Results Seven cases were treated with this method,among which 5 cases have sikin defect on the palm aspect of fingers,the rest have skin defect on the dorsal aspect skin of finger.All fingers survived with good shape and function. Conclusion This a simple and effective method of finger reconstruction for the patients with defect of vessels and skin.
Chinese Journal of Microsurgery