系统研究了杨小叶蝉属 ,记述中国杨小叶蝉属 4新种 :田氏杨小叶蝉Y .tianisp .nov .、德氏杨小叶蝉Y .dworakowskaiasp .nov .、周氏杨小叶蝉Y .chouisp .nov .、拟周氏杨小叶蝉Y .parachouisp .nov.,编制了杨小叶蝉属分种检索表。模式标本保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。
The genus Yangisunda was established by Zhang, the first author of this paper, in 1990 on the basis of the type species Yangisunda ramose alone. Th e pr esent paper reports 5 species of Yangisunda from China, of which 4 new species a re described and illustrated and a key to all five species is proposed. All spec imens studied are deposited in the Collection of the Entomology Museum, Northwes t Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, Yangling, Shaanxi. Type species: Yangisunda ramosa Zhang. Distribution: China. Key to species (♂) 1. Caudoventral lobe of pygofer without macrosetae,caudodorsal lobe with finger-like protrusion on both ventral and dorsal margins Y. tiani sp.nov. Caudoventral lobe of pygofer bearing macrosetae,caudodorsal lobe with finger-l ike protrusion only on dorsal margin2 2. Elliptical patch on 3nd apical cell of forewing smaller; caudoventral lobe of pygofer bearing soft macrosetae,caudodorsal lobe with shorter finger-like prot rusion3 Elliptical patch on 3nd apical cell of forewing bigger; caudoventral lobe of pyg ofer bearing rigid macrosetae, caudodorsal lobe with longer finger-like protrus ion 4 3. Outer branch of aedeagal apical appendages longer than inner one, both of them without serrations on lateral margin Y. dworakowsk aia sp.nov. Outer branch of aedeagal subapical appendages shorter than inner one which has a serrate lateral margin Y. ramosa Zhang 4. Caudoventrol lobe of pygofer bearing 2 rigid macrosetae; shaft of aede agu s with laterally compressed protrusion at basal and apical part Y. choui sp.nov. Caudoventrol lobe of pygofer bearing 1 rigid macroseta; shaft of aedeagus slende r Y. parachoui sp.nov.1 Yangisunda ramosa Zhang, 1990 Yangisunda ramosa Zhang, 1990:183. Specimens observed. 1♂(holotype), 31 July 1985, 1♂ (paratype), 30 July 19 85, Hunan Province: Mt. Mangshan, Chenzhou, coll. ZHANG Ya-Lin, CHAI Yong-Hui. Distribution. Hunan Province. 2 Yangisunda tiani sp.nov.(Figs.1-9) Length: ♂ 2.85?mm.This new species is simil
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
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