物流与环境之间是相互影响、相互制约的。从物流系统功能构成方面分析了物流活动对生态环境的影响 ;探讨了环境受制约的表现形式 ;从制约原因、影响后果等方面分析了物流对环境的制约过程 ;分析了生态环境可持续性的经济价值 ,在此基础上 ,从经济系统、法规和国际绿色壁垒
The environment and logistics are influenced and restricted each other. The impact of logistics on the environment is analyzed from the viewpoint of the functional structure of a logistics system. The embodiments of restriction on the environment by logistics are studied. How logistics restricts the environment is analyzed from causes and effects. The economic value of the environmental sustainability is discussed. Finally, How the environment affects logistics from the economic system, laws and regulations and international green barriers is explored.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Information & Management Engineering