基础教育如何转变教育观念、更新教育思想、创新教育理念 ,以实现教育机制、模式和手段的新突破 ,是教育管理者和工作者们探讨的问题。文章认为必须坚持“个体发展 ,整体提高 ,全面育人”的育人理念 ,创设教育平台 ,优化资源配置 ,全面推进素质教育 ,方能实现“出特色、创名校”的目标。
What educational administrators discuss in elementary education is how to transform educational ideas and renew educational theoretical concepts in order to achieve some new educational mechanism, mode and means. In the article the author confirms that upholding the educational theoretical concepts of personal development and total promotion and all-around human education, establishing the educational platform, harmonizing the resource disposition, entirely advancing the quality education, will probably reach the goal of “creating a famous school with characteristics'.
Journal of Daxian Teachers College