根据矿石性质 ,对多金属硫化锑矿中的有价金属进行了综合回收试验。结果表明 ,用部分混合—分离浮选工艺流程 ,能获得锑品位 5 6.2 7%、锑回收率 77.92 %的锑精矿 ,铅品位 2 6.63 %、铅回收率 61.3 4%、银品位2 5 0 0 g/t、银回收率 68.84%的银铅混合精矿及砷品位 10 .3 1%、砷回收率 83 .0 9%的砷精矿。硫化矿浮选尾矿再用重选—磁选回收钨 ,WO3的品位可由 0 .2 4%提高到 9.2 8% ,回收率达 74.77%。
The test of comprehensive recovery of valuable elements in polymetallic antimony sulfide was carried out according to the properties of the ore. The results show that the antimony concentrate,silver-lead bulk concentrate and arsenic concentrate can be obtained by using part bulk-separation flotation flowsheet.The grade and the recovery of Sb is 56.27%and 77.92%in the antimony concentrate.The grade and the recovery of Pb is 26.63% and 61.34%,the grade and the recovery of Ag is 2500g/t and 68.84% in the silver-lead bulk concentrate.The grade and the recovery of As is 10.31% and 83.09% in the arsenic concentrate.The wolfram in the tailings of sulfide flotation was concentrated by gravity-magnetic concentration,with the grade of WO 3 raising from 0.24% to 9.28%,the recovery of WO 3 reaching 74.77%.
2003年第1期3-5 , ,共3页
Nonferrous Metals(Mineral Processing Section)