300日龄"京白939"产蛋母鸡150只,随机分为5组,A组为健康组,B组为病理模型组,C组为JD-三征肝泰 组(剂量为每只鸡0.25g/d),D组为JD-三征肝泰 组(剂量为每只鸡0.5g/d);E组为氯化胆碱对照组(剂量为1g/kg饲料)。试验为期两周。结果显示:纯中药制剂JD-三征肝泰能显著降低肝脏脂肪含量和血清中TG、TC含量,减轻肝细胞水肿、坏死的病变程度,降低血清GPT、GOT活性。表明JD-三征肝泰对高脂饲料导致的鸡血脂升高和肝脏的脂肪变性具有明显抑制作用,同时对肝细胞损害有一定保护作用。
One hundred fifty 300dayold 'jingbai 939' laying hens were divided into five groups. The group A was the control and was fed ona basal cornsoybean meal diet.Group B was the model group and was fed on highfat diet. Group C was fed on highfat diet with an addition of San Zheng Gan Tai at a dose of 0.25 g/hen a day. Group D was fed a diet similer to Group C but the dose of San Zheng Gan Tai is 0.5 g/hen a day. Group E was fed on highfat diet containing cholini chloridum at a dose of 1 g/kg diet.The research showed that compounded Chinese medicine San Zheng Gan Tai can significantly lower the liver fat content and the TG,TC,GPT,GOT of serum ,and also can remarkably lessen the steatosis degree. All these results implied that San Zheng Gan Tai has antisteatotic and antihyperlipidaemic effects.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine