

Quantifying and classifying reports on LASIK in China
摘要 目的 :探讨近年来我国应用LASIK手术治疗中度、高度近视眼的研究现状、取得的进展以及尚存在的问题。方法 :利用文献计量学方法 ,对国内 1995~ 2 0 0 2年 2月所发表的 2 2 5篇相关文献的论文数量及年代、论文合作度、期刊分布及核心期刊、发文机构、地区分布和研究内容等方面进行统计分析。结果 :自 1995年以来 ,其论文数量逐年增加 ,多数论文为 3~ 5人合著。研究LASIK的文献多数集中在《中国实用眼科杂志》、《眼视光学杂志》等眼科专业核心期刊上。以温州医学院眼视光学院、上海第二医科大学附属瑞金医院眼科等核心机构发文较多 ,每家机构平均刊登 9篇论收稿日期 :2 0 0 2 -0 5 -2 1;修回日期 :2 0 0 2 -0 9-2 5作者简介 :陆蓓 ( 195 7-) ,女 ,辽宁沈阳人 ,副教授 ,硕士生导师 ,研究方向 :眼视光学 ,青光眼。通信作者 :陆蓓 (E -mail:lupei@163 .com)。文 ,其他 6 7家机构平均发文 2篇左右。论文多由沿海发达地区及全国中心城市的眼科研究者撰写。研究内容集中在临床疗效、手术并发症分析及处理和手术前后相关检查结果的分析上。结论 :LASIK手术在我国开展虽稍晚 ,但发展迅速。在手术数量和论文数量上增长都很快 ,尤其是 1998年后更是明显。因受经济因素影响 ,我国西部地区手术开展得还不是很理想 , Objective:To monitor reports on the status,the development in use and the problems associated with LASIK for moderate and high myopia in China.Methods:Relying on research reports,we quantified and classified documents published in periodicals,noting the institution and distribution by region as well as the research topics every year from 1995 to 2002 in China.Results:The number of reports have increased each year since 1995. Most of the research was done by teams of 3 to 5 people. Most reports on LASIK appeared in the 'Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology' and 'The Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology and Optometry',journals mainly devoted to topics in ophthalmology. The Affiliated Optometry Eye Hospital of Wenzhou Medical College and Department of Ophthalmology,the Affiliated RuiJin Hospital,Shanghai Second Medical University,have published more than 9 research reports on average each year. In addition,there were 67 institutions that published at least 2 research reports each year. Research was mainly concentrated on the following topics:study of the curative effects,analysis and treatment of complications and analysis of examinations related to the surgery.Conclusion:LASIK has started rather late in China but its use is progressing quickly. The number of surgeries and research reports are increasing rapidly,particularly since 1998. However,the impact of economic conditions on LASIK surgery is not favorable in the western part of China.
作者 陆蓓 李坤
出处 《眼视光学杂志》 2002年第4期208-210,共3页 Chinese Journal of Optometry & Ophthalmology
关键词 中国 LASIK 准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术 文献计量学 专题文献 measurable document special document laser in situ keratomileusis/methods
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