[目的 ]探讨食物摄入与血压之间的关系 ,为农村地区高血压的防治提供科学依据。 [方法 ]本研究利用1997年中国预防医学科学院和美国BioSignia公司的合作项目“膳食、生活方式与慢性疾病研究”的资料 ,采用多因素分析方法对河南南阳农村地区居民食物摄入与血压之间的关系进行了分析。 [结果 ]人群血压水平与食物摄入有密切的关联。高钠食物 (腌制蔬菜 )和油脂类食物与血压水平明显正关联 ,水产品、新鲜蔬菜、水果与血压水平呈明显负关联 ,可以预防高血压的发生和发展。另外本研究通过分级分析初步得到了食物摄入与血压之间的定量关系 ,在今后的膳食指导中具有一定的实用价值。 [结论 ]食物摄入种类和摄入量与平均血压水平有密切的关系 ,合理膳食是防治高血压的重要措施之一。
To explore the relationship between food intakes and blood pressure in the rural inhabitants of Henan Provence. Total 5 961 subjects (age>=40) from a cross sectional study named Dietary,Life Style and Chronic Diseases cooperated with Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine and BioSignia Inc. in 1997 were included in this analysis. The relationship between food intakes and blood pressure was analyzed by multiple analysis methods. The consumption of sodium and fat rich food like pickled vegetables and oils were positively correlated with blood pressure;fishes,vegetables and fruits had a protective effect on hypertension. [Conclusion] Food intakes were closely related to blood pressure,reasonable and balanced diet is one of the major measures to prevent hypertension.
Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine