A numerical method is presented that simulates 3D explosive field problems. A code MMIC3D using this method can be used to simulate the propagation and reflected effects of all kinds of rigid boundaries to shock waves produced by an explosive source. These numerical results indicate that the code MMIC3D has the ability in computing cases such as 3D shock waves produced by air explosion, vortex region of the shock wave, the Mach wave, and reflected waves behind rigid boundaries.
A numerical method is presented that simulates 3D explosive field problems. A code MMIC3D using this method can be used to simulate the propagation and reflected effects of all kinds of rigid boundaries to shock waves produced by an explosive source. These numerical results indicate that the code MMIC3D has the ability in computing cases such as 3D shock waves produced by air explosion, vortex region of the shock wave, the Mach wave, and reflected waves behind rigid boundaries.
SponsoredbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundation (10 0 72 0 11)andtheYouthNaturalScienceFoundationoftheBureauofEducationinSichuanProvince(0 1LB17)