中心城市是区域经济的火车头 ,但作为西部大开发重点地区的榆林及周边地区 ,在方圆 4 0 0多平方公里、覆盖 10 0 0多万人口的范围内还没有一个中心城市。把榆林市建成区域性中心城市十分必要、非常紧迫也切实可行。在指出这种必要性的基础上 ,分析了榆林的优劣势 ,并提出了建设中心城市的初步思路和对策。
Central city is the leading motive force of regional economy.There is no central city around Yulin city and its adjacent areas of 400km 2 with 10,000,000 people-the major developing region in the'West Development',so it is very necessary to develop Yulin into a regional central city.After pointing out the necessity,the paper analyzes the advantages and limitations of Yulin and then raises the initial idea and strategy to develop Yulin into a central city.