康有为政治制度改革思想的形成及变化 ,明显地从七上书中表现出来 ,《上清帝第一书》为第一阶段 ,为政治制度改革思想萌芽时期 ;《第二书》、《第三书》、《第四书》、《第五书》为第二阶段 ,此时他形成了君主立宪思想 ;《第六书》、《第七书》为第三阶段 ,他的政治制度改革思想趋向倒退与保守。作为维新派领袖 ,其政治制度改革思想的形成和变化直接影响了变法的进程及成败。
Kang Youwei's thought of reform in political system is embodied in his seven pieces of suggestions to the emperor.The first stage start from the first piece of suggestion written in 1888 which the thought begin producing.The second,the third,the forth and the fifth pieces written in 1895 and 1898 belong to the second stage during which the thought forms.And the last stage include the fifth,sixth,seventh pieces in 1898 which are the declined period of the thought.As the leader of the reform,the reform and the change of his thought have influenced the lose of the Reform Movement of 1898.
Journal of Hengyang Normal University