本文研究了 Ti-6Ak-4V 合金在510℃下不同时间时效后组织及硬度变化。结果发现该合金在940℃固溶、510℃时效时,先从亚稳定β相中析出近等轴状的α相;延长时效时间,α相向片状生长,形成α集团,在集团内片状α的取向趋于一致,而集团间的取向不一致,这导致合金的硬度增加;继续增加时效时间,发生马氏体的分解,片状α相向等轴状转变,合金硬度降低。538℃时效时,硬度比510℃时高。采用多弧离子镀在 Ti-6Al-4V 合金表面形成了一层很薄且致密的(Ti,Al)N 层,镀层可提高合金的显微硬度。
The structure and hardness of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy under different aging time are studied.After solution heat treatment at 940℃ and being aged at 510℃,as the aging time elapsed,the structure of the alloy progressively changes from metastable β phase to nearly equiaxial α phase,flat α phase,α phase cluster and finally Martensite.With the changing of structure,the hardness has a climax.A (Ti,Al)N coating film which is formed on the surface by multiple-arc ion plating can increase the surface hardness of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy.
Nonferrous Metals Processing