本文将几何光学中的费马原理和经典力学中的哈密顿原理进行类比 ,得到了几何光学中光线的拉格朗日函数 ,在此基础上 ,求得几何光学中光线的线动量、角动量、力和能量等动力学参量 ,并对这些动力学参量的特征作以分析。结果表明 :几何光学与粒子力学具有相似性 ,利用这一相似性 。
Fermat ,s principle of geometrical optics is compared with Hamiltonian principle of Classical Mechanics in this artical,andLagrangian of light ray in geometrial optics is obtained Being based upon this ,the parameters of dynamics such as Linear momentum,angular momentum,force,energy and so on.Furthermore. the characters of these dynamics parameters are analysized. A conclusion that geometrical optics is similar to partide mechanics is drawn, and a law followed by the light ray of geometrical optics uhich is similar to partide mechanics is founded by making use of the similarity.