Methane hydrates represent a potentially enormous natural gas resource. Estimates range as high as 1.98×1016m3 beneath the Arctic permafrost and along the slopes and rises of continental shelves around the globe, many times the estimated total of worldwide conventional resources of natural gas and oil. This global reservoir may profoundly impact both the stability of the sea floor and longterm climate. If it is determined that the safe production of methane from hydrates is technically feasible and economically viable, it would influnce the world economic growth, the energy security, and the worldwide environmental quality. Here we introduced the scientific and technologic key interests in hydrate research and the recent research proceeding as a reference to gas hydrate researchers in China, based on several program plans and projects of gas hydrate research in United State. Main research focused realms are follows: ①Establish an estimate of gas resources from methane hydrate deposits; ②Develop the technology necessary for the commercial production of methane from hydrates;③Understand and quantify the dual roles of methane hydrates in the global carbon cycle and their relationship to global climate change; and ④Respond to industry concerns regarding the safety and sea floor stability issues and pipeline plugging concerns attributed to methane hydrates which are currently associated with the exploration, production, and transportation of conventional hydrocarbons.
Advances in Earth Science